Poke ’em

Poke ’em

Owing to the temporary unavailability of the internet connection, SPaced out has been inactive for a while. However, the recent developments compel me to employ desperate measures to report these.
The much anticipated fest finally took place over the weekend and received a great response. That was but inevitable, owing to the lengths that people went to to solely publicize the event in question. Take for example, the ‘POKE’ stickers that were printed for the purpose. Sources report that enthusiastic members of the extended core committee plastered these stickers at unmentionable parts of their bodies. The content of this blog is not of a pornographic nature, therefore I cannot divulge explicit details.
On a more serious note, I’d like to congratulate the team on a successful fest- right from the contraptions to the presentations and the gaming events (which i did not attend but i heard were great too). The food was great too except that, just like the cafeteria at the SPIT entrance, it was overpriced. The food parlors were teeming with people curious about a certain brand of chocolate milkshakes(over priced, again!). The minor criticism i am expressing against the food is from a solely objective and unbiased perspective AND NOT because of any personal grudges I may be holding against the person responsible for food. But as someone once said, “The fest is not about ‘I’, its about ‘We'”
Despite the minor glitches (which if i may list are as follows
1.A tank which was part of the contraptions equipment broke due to overloading
2.A sewage pipe fell out of no where and landed right next to the GS room 007
3.One of the judges of the innovation presentation took it personally that participants were crossing the time limit and introducing ad campaigns and marketing plans for products which did not even exist. He was greatly relieved when the event which stretched beyond 2200 hrs on Thursday finally ended.
4.The food was overpriced
5.The DJ night (Ummm…..What DJ night????.. But that wasn’t our fault)), the event held its own and lived up to all that was promised in the expensive-looking brochures that were composed painstakingly by the decor team.

Awaaj konachya!!!
As a LOYAL mechie, I would like to make a brief note on this phrase nearly synonymous to mech alone. A certain miscreant from trical has been the target for a lot of flak on facebook right now. Seems like mech has found a voice and it can be best expressed in the vernacular
“Awaaj konachya– Mechanical cha”

Watch this space for the Freshers party of the year. Gansta rap and all of that.

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